
Discretionary investment management

We are one of the UK’s most prominent Investment Manager dedicated to Ethical and Sharia compliant discretionary investment management.

Stocks on computer screen


We are one of UK’s most prominent Investment Manager dedicated to Ethical and Sharia compliant investment management. Our discretionary investment management service suits those who wish to give us the discretion to select and manage investments based on their investment objectives and risk profile.

Our Investment team makes day to day investment decisions on behalf of clients and actively monitors investment portfolios. Our investment portfolios consist of a diversified range of selected funds, ETFs and direct equities (US, UK and Europe) that we believe helps achieve optimum results based on a given risk profile.

We believe a strong governance framework should be the starting point for devising and managing investment portfolios. We have an Ethical committee and Investment committee that sets the broader framework within which our investment team operates.

Governance & oversight

Investments can easily and quickly run off course without a firm governance foundation. Our streamlined governance framework helps us stay focused on investment objectives, whilst effectively managing risks and market volatility. As part of our governance framework, we have an Ethical committee and the Investment committee to oversee and advise the investment team.

Ethical committee

Our Ethical committee provides an oversight of the investment management function (with respect to Sharia compliance) and acts as an advisory body on investment matters to ensure adherence to Sharia compliance. The committee meets at least annually to review investments and monitors adherence to set screening criteria within the Ethical Investment Policy Statement.

Investment committee

Our Investment committee provides an oversight of the investment management function and acts as an advisory body on investment matters. The committee sets the investment objectives, investment selection and monitoring criteria, asset allocation parameters and investment exposure limits for each investment portfolio, diversification policy, and investment performance assessment criteria within the Investment Policy Statement. The committee meets at least quarterly to review the performance and composition of investment portfolios.

Investment team

Our investment team is responsible for determining the investment strategy, selecting investments and constructing investment portfolios, subject to adherence with the Ethical Investment Policy Statement and the Investment Policy Statement.

Investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy is composed of six key principles that helps us deliver value for you.

How we achieve your financial goals


Always keep sight of your goals and targets

  • Understand your needs, objectives, circumstances and risk profile.
  • Clear and regular communication with you as our valued client.

Adherence to our Ethical investment values

  • All investments must be Sharia Compliant and Socially Responsible.
  • Ethical Committee reviews investments and monitors ongoing adherence to screening criteria.

How we invest your money


Entrepreneurial approach to investing

  • We focus on investment fundamentals – a great business model supported by capable management team, in a growing industry and good value.
  • We take a long term view.

Team based approach to investment decision-making

  • Our investment team determines the investment strategy and portfolio composition.
  • Our Investment Committee reviews the performance and composition of investments portfolios.

How we manage your money


Active management

  • Consistently monitor investments and make necessary changes in line with investment strategy.
  • Monitor changing market trends, emerging risks and new opportunities.

Prudent risk management

  • Adherence to our investment process, which demands rigorous investment due diligence to minimise risk.
  • Investment diversification, where suitable.

Investment process

We combine both top-down and bottom-up approach to formulate our investment strategies and construct portfolios based on investor objectives and risk profile. Top-down investing means making investment decisions based on the outlook for the economy and what that is likely to mean for individual assets. We look at various macroeconomic indicators including economic growth, inflation, interest rates, currency movements, political developments and global trends to help us identify key investment themes and opportunities in various sectors or industries. This helps determine our initial asset allocation parameters for various investment strategies.

Bottom-up investing focuses on individual assets rather than wider trends. At the initial stage of investment process, all available investments are screened for Ethical and Sharia compliance based on criteria specified in our Ethical Investment Policy Statement (EIPS). After which the Investment Manager applies our investment criteria for short listing stocks to conduct thorough due diligence in the next stage. If it’s a company we are analysing, we will consider a number of factors including market capitalisation, business valuation, business model, business specific risks, management, performance relative to competitors, whether company has strong market position and sustainable competitive advantage, earnings per share growth, dividend per share growth, dividend yield, operational ratios and more. Thereafter, we combine the research from both approaches to understand the impact of general economic environment on the stocks or investments in our ‘buy’ list. At the final stage, we formulate investment strategies and construct portfolios based on investor objectives and risk profile.

Investment solutions

Collectives Managed Portfolio Service

Your money is invested in a suitable portfolio consisting of funds and ETFs. We offer five risk profiles: cautious, balanced, balanced growth, growth and progressive growth.

Comprehensive Managed Portfolio Service

Your money is invested in a suitable portfolio consisting of funds, ETFs and direct equities (US, UK and Europe). We offer three risk profiles: cautious, balanced and growth. Minimum investment of £250,000 per account.

Bespoke Managed Portfolio Service

We can devise a bespoke portfolio based on your requirements, consisting of both collectives and direct equities (US, UK and Europe). Minimum investment of £500,000 per account.

Speak to our team

You can book a free consultation with our team to learn more about our investment approach and how we can help you.

Faizal Karbani

Faizal Karbani

Founder, CEO & Financial Adviser
BSc (Hons), DipPFS
20+ years
Islamic Finance expert, Award Winner, Author, Qualified Financial Advisor, Chartered Accountant, Speaker, IFQ Trainer and more…
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Wasim Khan

Wasim Khan

Director & Investment Manager
MA, BA (Hons), Chartered MSCI, DipPFS
10+ years
Advise clients, manage investments, heads up company strategy, proposition development, compliance and much more
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