Collectives Managed Portfolio Service
Choose from five diversified portfolios
- Sharia compliant
- Globally diversified, actively managed portfolios to meet your goals
- Value for money
With investments, your capital is at risk

What is Collectives Managed Portfolio?
Our Collectives Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) offers five globally diversified investment portfolios designed to meet specific investment objectives. The portfolios comprise of carefully selected portfolio of collective investments including funds and ETFs.
Our managed portfolios are offered through Simply Ethical Financial Financial Advisers and any other external IFA’s and Wealth Managers.
Why choose our Collectives MPS
Our Collectives Managed Portfolio Service is a low-cost way for you to invest in diversified Sharia compliant investment portfolios that are actively managed. We rebalance our portfolios on an adhoc basis to manage risk, to take profits when it makes sense and at times letting portfolios to drift to maximise returns, whilst keeping within the prescribed mandate for each portfolio.
Investment Portfolios
We offer five investment portfolios as follows:
The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide long-term capital and income appreciation with a lower than medium risk profile. The portfolio may be suited for those who want to try to achieve a reasonable return and are prepared to accept some risk in doing so.
This portfolio targets a long term average return of 4% to 5% per year.
View our factsheet here
The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide long-term capital appreciation and income with a medium risk profile. This portfolio may suit clients who are willing to take the degree of risk necessary to achieve a potentially higher return than can normally be achieved by a cautious or income investment strategy.
This portfolio targets a long term average return of 5% to 6% per year.
View our factsheet here
Balanced Growth
The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide long-term capital appreciation, with less
emphasis on income, and a higher than medium risk profile. The portfolio may suit those who are willing to place reasonable emphasis on growth investments and are aware that these are liable to fluctuate in value, with a bias towards equity market growth.
This portfolio targets a long term average return of 6% to 7% per year.
View our factsheet here
The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide long-term capital appreciation, with less
emphasis on income, and a high-risk profile. This portfolio may suit clients who understand that the level of potential return on their investment should increase as a result of taking greater risk.
This portfolio targets a long term average return of 7% to 8% per year.
View our factsheet here
Progressive Growth
The investment objective to provide long-term capital appreciation, with less emphasis on income, and a high risk profile. This portfolio may suit clients who understand that to achieve the potential for higher returns, their investment may fluctuate substantially at times, but that over the longer term they could achieve a higher level of return than from a Balanced portfolio.
This portfolio targets a long term average return of 8% to 9% per year.
View our factsheet here
Our fees
We only charge an annual fee that is tiered within bands as follows:
For the first £250,000
per year
Between £250,001 & £1,000,000
per year
Between £1,000,001 and £2,500,000
per year
Between £2,500,001 and £5,000,000
per year
Over £5,000,000
per year
- No set-up fees
- No trading or dealing fees/costs
- No transfers or withdrawal fees/ Free transfers in and out
- No exit fees
Note: The fees are applicable to each account separately. The fees stated here only relate to managed portfolio service and exclude any Financial Adviser fees, platform or product related fees or charges.
Platform Availability
Our investment portfolios are available on the following investment platforms through regulated and qualified Financial Advisers:
Speak to our team
You can book an appointment with the below members of our team. Please click on the ‘Book a call’ button on a team member to schedule the appointment.

Faizal Karbani

Wasim Khan
Frequently Asked Questions
Collectives Managed Portfolio Service invests in funds and ETFs that are Sharia certified.
There is no minimum or maximum limit to the amount you can invest in this service. However, this service is accessible through Financial Advisers only.